Friday, September 25, 2020

2020 - Turning 40 - COVID19 Pandemic

What a year!

We are in a pandemic


What a year it has been!

It is not over,

It will not rest,

Life has become sober

This is truly putting us to the test.

I write these words,

On the cusp of possible new restrictions,

Less social,

Less vocal,

Lest we forget...

A mid-life crisis would be forgiven,

For turning 40 in this world,

Is an anti-climax.

And yet, I know God will help me overcome.

He is the Healer, Provider, Majestic Lord

Who brought us through,

And will again,

I place my faith in Him


Spring has supposedly come I'm reminded of the hymn we used to sing: "What a wondrous time is spring,  When all the trees are buddi...